Student Success Resources
Click here for the Student Services Toolkit
VCU BulletinThe VCU Bulletin contains information about university policies, course descriptions and academic requirements. The School of Public Health Bulletin site includes administration, school, and program-specific details for students. |
CanvasVCU students and faculty use Canvas, a web-based learning management system, to access and manage course materials.
Degree WorksDegree Works is an online tool students, faculty, staff, and advisors can use to help students track degree progress. |
GradTrack 2.0GradTrak is an online system for reporting and record-keeping. Students and faculty utilize GradTrak to propose advisory committees, schedule committee meetings and comprehensive exams, and report exam results. |
Writing ResourcesThe VCU Office of Strategic Enrollment Management and Student Success offers services and resources for undergraduate and graduate students, including in-person appointments, online consultations and workshops through their writing center. |
Health Sciences LibraryThe Health Sciences Library, located on the MCV Campus near the medical center, holds one of the world's most extensive collections of health sciences literature in North America. The library offers study and collaboration rooms by reservation, research support services, classes and workshops, and technology for loan. |
Student/Advisor CompactThe VCU Compact Between Graduate Students and their Thesis/Dissertation Advisors presents guiding principles intended to support positive mentoring relationships between graduate students and their ffaculty advisors. This document should be reviewed and signed annually. |
Individual Development PlansAll School of Public Health doctoral students are required to formulate an IDP prior to their third year of training or by the semester after they pass their oral qualifying exams, whichever comes first. Students in Master’s programs are strongly encouraged to formulate IDPs, but there is no formal IDP requirement for Master’s students. |
Advisory Committee Proposal FormStudents in degree programs requiring a thesis or dissertation form a graduate advisory committee. |
Degree Candidacy FormSuccessful completion of comprehensive examinations (composed of written and oral candidacy components) and successful defenses of dissertations are required for all Ph.D. degrees. Students who are eligible complete the degree candidacy DocuSign form. |
EDT Approval FormUpon successful completion of their dissertation defense, the student submits an electronic thesis or dissertation form using DocuSign. |
SOPH Graduate Student Travel RequestSOPH students can request support for travel to conferences or events. Students are eligible for $250 for professional development and $600 for poster presentations and oral presentations. |
VCU Graduate School Travel Grant ApplicationThe Graduate Student Travel Grant program provides financial support of up to $500 for eligible graduate students to support students presenting their research or academic work at conferences, summits, or other events. |
VCU Graduate School Funding Opportunities |
Student Code of Conduct |
VCU Libraries Research Guides |
Office of Strategic Enrollment Management and Student Success |
VCU Preparing Future Faculty Program |
VCU Graduate Student Association - learn more
Public Health Student Association - learn more
AcademyHealth - learn more
Saba Masho Endowed Scholarship in Epidemiology
Dr. Saba Masho Endowed Scholarship in Epidemiology is awarded annually. PhD in Epidemiology and MPH students are eligible to apply for the award. The Dr. Saba Masho Endowed Scholarship in Epidemiology was initiated in 2018 by a contribution from Dr. Abraham Teklu in loving memory of his wife, Saba W. Masho, MD, MPH, DrPH, who served as an inspiration to countless faculty members, staff, and perhaps most importantly, graduate students.
Buttery Award
Each year, the Christopher "Kim" Buttery Award recognizes one student who displays excellence in chronic disease epidemiology, bridging research and practice within public health. The award was established in 2017 in honor of C.M.G. Buttery, M.D., M.P.H., a faculty member who taught hundreds of public health students at VCU over three decades. Student awardees are recognized with a monetary award that comes from generous donations by friends of the Delta Eta Chapter.
Delta Omega Honorary Society in Public Health
Membership in the Delta Omega honorary society represents excellence in the study and practice of public health and a commitment to the field.
Food Pantry
The Ram Pantry assists students with a financial need for food.
Division of Student Affairs Emergency Fund
The DSA Emergency Fund provides one-time financial assistance for students with unexpected emergency expenses. To apply, click here and search "Division of Student Affairs - Emergency Fund"
Report a Concern
To report concerns or request assistance, visit the Dean of Student Advocacy Office website.
Contact Us
Kellie Carlyle, PhD, MA, MPH, MEd
Interim Associate Dean of Academic Affairs

Brooke Nissim-Sabat, MS, MPH, RDN
Assessment and Accreditation Administrator